Torrie: Dexter taken with Paul's camera
Torrie: Dexter2 taken with Paul's Camera
Torrie: Dexter Blk&Wht
Torrie: Dexter sleeping upsidedown
Torrie: Dexter on C.C. Beach
Torrie: The car ride home
Torrie: Happy Dexter on dock
Torrie: Dexter with ball
Torrie: Dexter on the dock
Torrie: Dexter with fall trees
Torrie: Dex on grass
Torrie: Dexter in sand
Torrie: sad pooper
Torrie: Dex on knee
Torrie: Dexter Closeup2
Torrie: Dexter Closeup3
Torrie: Dexter4
Torrie: Dexter6
Torrie: Tug of War
Torrie: Dexter- Ahhhh
Torrie: Dexter in Bed
Torrie: Dexter Profile
Torrie: Sleepy Pooper
Torrie: Cape Cod Beach Dexter
Torrie: Dexter Bath
Torrie: Pooper Closeup
Torrie: Dexter Sleeping
Torrie: Dexter7
Torrie: Dexter Laughing
Torrie: Dexter Stick