Toronto History: The Prime Ministers of South Africa, Canada, UK and New Zealand at the 1911 Imperial Conference in London
Toronto History: Sir Wilfred Laurier and Sir William Mulock
Toronto History: Sir Robert Borden opens Victory Bond campaign
Toronto History: Sir Robert Borden speaking at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
Toronto History: Lloyd George in speakers' box on Old City Hall steps
Toronto History: Lloyd George at Government House
Toronto History: Arthur Meighen at the CNE
Toronto History: William Lyon Mackenzie King, Stanley Baldwin and the Duke of Kent at Toronto City Hall
Toronto History: Stanley Baldwin in Montreal
Toronto History: Ramsay MacDonald and Sir William Mulock
Toronto History: Ramsay MacDonald with members of the American Federation of Labor
Toronto History: Lady Eaton and Richard Bedford Bennett
Toronto History: R.B. Bennett opening the CNE
Toronto History: Jans Smuts wearing academic cap and gown
Toronto History: William Lyon Mackenzie King and parents
Toronto History: William Lyon Mackenzie King with Lady and Sir Henry Pellatt
Toronto History: William Lyon MacKenzie King and Winston Churchill on steps of 10 Downing Street
Toronto History: Dignitaries at Quebec Conference
Toronto History: Louis St. Laurent and William Lyon Mackenzie King
Toronto History: Louis St. Laurent and former Ontario Premier George Henry
Toronto History: Nathan Phillips and Louis St. Laurent in mayor's office, Old City Hall
Toronto History: John Diefenbaker at Grey Cup Final
Toronto History: John Diefenbaker at opening of Hockey Hall of Fame
Toronto History: Lester Pearson at Constellation Hotel
Toronto History: Lester Pearson at election campaign event
Toronto History: Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau with Gordon Sinclair, host of CFRB radio show, Let's Discuss It