Toronto History:
447 Yonge Street, east side at Carlton Street
Toronto History:
Sign giving rules and regulations of Exhibition Park
Toronto History:
Cabbagetown yard sign
Toronto History:
Sign prohibiting search for mushrooms, Willowvale Park
Toronto History:
Irene Castle on steps
Toronto History:
Stop sign
Toronto History:
Stanley Barracks, kids on step, with polio sign on door
Toronto History:
Barkman hit man case, garage of man
Toronto History:
Traffic sign at exhibition
Toronto History:
New Fort - deaths head caution sign for motorists
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Transformer house
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Interior time office and telephone switchboard
Toronto History:
Drum of Cordite Ketone
Toronto History:
Toronto History:
T. Eaton Building — floor tests
Toronto History:
Lever Brothers Soap Works
Toronto History:
Sewers, air lock, contract 18, W. R. Worthington Construction Company
Toronto History:
Lansdowne and St. Clair Avenue
Toronto History:
Garbage can
Toronto History:
Pouring of cement, Yonge Street and Trinity Square
Toronto History:
Tour of subway by Members of Parliament
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Pouring concrete for bridge
Toronto History:
"The Flame" restaurant
Toronto History:
King Station
Toronto History:
Bloor transfer platform
Toronto History:
Crowds at transfer terminals
Toronto History:
Warning sign on pier