Toronto History: North east corner of King Street and Yonge Street
Toronto History: Yonge Street looking north from Queen Street
Toronto History: Policeman, corner of King and Yonge streets
Toronto History: Inspector Charles Greenwood on motorcycle
Toronto History: Duke of Connaught with Colonel Grassett, inspecting police
Toronto History: Police containing spectators
Toronto History: Police motorcyle division
Toronto History: The Prince of Wales at the CNE
Toronto History: Police Constable Franklin
Toronto History: John David Eaton and his mother, Lady Eaton at Eaton's College Street store opening
Toronto History: Three policeman
Toronto History: Traffic Policeman
Toronto History: Chief Constable Samuel Dickson at desk in station
Toronto History: Toronto Police parade
Toronto History: Mary Pickford on steps of Old City Hall with Mayor Ralph Day
Toronto History: Waiting for buses, CNE bus terminal
Toronto History: Police talk to unidentified man at Metro Council meeting
Toronto History: Removal of children from hospital to Lake Shore Home, on the S.S. John Hanlan
Toronto History: Police parade
Toronto History: Queen Street West, south side, looking west from York Street
Toronto History: George Young reception at City Hall
Toronto History: Queen St, east, from James Street
Toronto History: Yonge Street south from Bloor Street
Toronto History: Queen Street West, looking west from Yonge Street
Toronto History: Toronto Railway Co. streetcar, Yonge and Adelaide streets
Toronto History: Policeman and crowd, Hanlan's Point
Toronto History: Lou and Nat Turofsky at Varsity Stadium
Toronto History: Police called to lacrosse game at Hanlan's Point stadium
Toronto History: Police Inspector Essen Bond
Toronto History: Policeman and recruit, Armouries