Toronto History: Maple Leaf Stadium, Baseball action
Toronto History: Toronto Maple Leafs (Baseball)
Toronto History: Toronto Maple Leafs (Baseball) Season Opener
Toronto History: Baseball umpire
Toronto History: Nat Turofsky playing baseball
Toronto History: Baird Park — Lawn Bowling
Toronto History: Cricket, Upper Canada College, Forest Hill
Toronto History: J. E. Atkinson of the Toronto Star, at the wheel of a speedboat
Toronto History: Argonauts win the Canadian Henley race
Toronto History: Norm, Frank, Joe, Winnie, and Clara James boating, Toronto Island
Toronto History: People in a rowboat, Ashbridge's Bay
Toronto History: Champion sculler Ed Durnan (right) teaching his son John, age 10, in Humber Bay
Toronto History: Golfers and caddy
Toronto History: Cathy Christie golfing
Toronto History: Golfer
Toronto History: Golfer with boy
Toronto History: Golfer
Toronto History: Tennis players, Toronto Tennis Club
Toronto History: Gordon Spanner, Toronto Tennis Club
Toronto History: 1989 SkyDome Opening Gala Celebrations Souvenir Pennant
Toronto History: Grand Stand, Hanlan's Point