'Xander @416cyclestyle: birds in fright
'Xander @416cyclestyle: bridge of sighs
'Xander @416cyclestyle: Copy of 173_7376
'Xander @416cyclestyle: Copy of 173_7377
'Xander @416cyclestyle: Copy of 173_7378
'Xander @416cyclestyle: directional laundry
'Xander @416cyclestyle: find the ambulance
'Xander @416cyclestyle: here comes the bus
'Xander @416cyclestyle: mouth of the grand canale
'Xander @416cyclestyle: mouth of the grande canale
'Xander @416cyclestyle: parallel parking
'Xander @416cyclestyle: rialto in the back
'Xander @416cyclestyle: st marks peaks
'Xander @416cyclestyle: ST MARKS AT NIGHT
'Xander @416cyclestyle: st marks square 2
'Xander @416cyclestyle: sun clock gray
'Xander @416cyclestyle: VENICE HYDRANT