Lexcelsior : First paid gig
Lexcelsior : self-portrait
Lexcelsior : a weekend in
Lexcelsior : auto-timer on the dining table
Lexcelsior : untitled
Lexcelsior : IM000915
Lexcelsior : Mirrors at Caban
Lexcelsior : store of convenience
Lexcelsior : to infinity and beyond
Lexcelsior : my reading hat
Lexcelsior : my first christmas
Lexcelsior : who needs high-end equipment?
Lexcelsior : is fashion sense genetic?
Lexcelsior : my first passport photo
Lexcelsior : Brought to you by the letter A
Lexcelsior : good jeans
Lexcelsior : waiting for my hasenfeffer
Lexcelsior : again, with feeling
Lexcelsior : only kinda bored
Lexcelsior : very first faux lomo attempt
Lexcelsior : geek reading geek in a geek photo
Lexcelsior : then she laid an egg
Lexcelsior : see you next year! :^)
Lexcelsior : another shiny doorknob
Lexcelsior : slightly bored again
Lexcelsior : ?enoyreve t'nseod
Lexcelsior : not as warm as this looks
Lexcelsior : bitter cold
Lexcelsior : killer bees