torisan3500: robot dog with japanese food.
torisan3500: robot dog with japanese food.
torisan3500: japanese robot plays igo
torisan3500: he's very happy igoing
torisan3500: keyrings
torisan3500: origami crane
torisan3500: origami crane
torisan3500: kind of a bookmark
torisan3500: pair dogs
torisan3500: bear friends
torisan3500: a bear in my room
torisan3500: a bear in my room
torisan3500: two pandas
torisan3500: new comer
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: i saw a bear by the river
torisan3500: little dusty pooh and his friend
torisan3500: toy lion
torisan3500: toy lion
torisan3500: pandas' talk
torisan3500: pandas' talk
torisan3500: pandas' secret talk
torisan3500: toy bear
torisan3500: toy bear