Toquehead!: Hooked
Toquehead!: Disintegrate
Toquehead!: empty
Toquehead!: My left foot
Toquehead!: splitting
Toquehead!: splitting headache
Toquehead!: Arm soup
Toquehead!: Springs here BBQ time!!!
Toquehead!: black white and fire
Toquehead!: Skulhedface
Toquehead!: she cut my f%^kin legs off!!!
Toquehead!: fire 4
Toquehead!: Burning man
Toquehead!: Im on fire! 7/52
Toquehead!: pickled
Toquehead!: KNIFE IN YER CHEEK!!!
Toquehead!: bloody eye 9/52
Toquehead!: demon thing 11/52
Toquehead!: I had to bite my tongue.................. Warning Gross!!!
Toquehead!: Burned
Toquehead!: I had no choice
Toquehead!: Not comfortable in my own skin....14/52.. WARNING IF YOU DONT LIKE GROSS I HOPE YOU WON'T LIKE THIS