topupthetea: the new necklace
topupthetea: the epicentre of my current world
topupthetea: self portrait
topupthetea: i'm so ready to go to uni
topupthetea: getting ready for the party begins at 10am
topupthetea: skinny fit jeans
topupthetea: 'slim for the summer'
topupthetea: reflection in the dust off my TV
topupthetea: fucking hell mum, mind the flash
topupthetea: i just got home and i got a bacon sarnie
topupthetea: A year in the life of TheManWhoFellAsleep
topupthetea: enjoying the warmth in the shade
topupthetea: i'm off to the balcony
topupthetea: retainer smile with new earrings
topupthetea: colourful earrings
topupthetea: oh my lollypop
topupthetea: BORED LEGS on a plane
topupthetea: more bored legs
topupthetea: bored at work this time
topupthetea: REALLY BIG LEGS
topupthetea: zomg emo tiem
topupthetea: nothing wrong with staying in on a sunny day
topupthetea: my self portrait
topupthetea: lazy student type
topupthetea: self on webcam
topupthetea: 365 days of me
topupthetea: 365 days of me
topupthetea: goooood morning world!
topupthetea: 365 days of me
topupthetea: 365 days of me