topupthetea: BORED LEGS on a plane
topupthetea: the wing on the way!
topupthetea: the appartement
topupthetea: balcony to the right
topupthetea: balcony to the left
topupthetea: wind turbines
topupthetea: crazy cove thingy
topupthetea: the alcove become light
topupthetea: a bridge over the tennis courts
topupthetea: lucy STILL dangling feet
topupthetea: lucy dangling feet
topupthetea: BBQ with surrogate father
topupthetea: orange juice
topupthetea: lunch at the windmill
topupthetea: crazy spanish man fishing in a port
topupthetea: lover bouys
topupthetea: HOLA OLA!
topupthetea: there were naked people diving in
topupthetea: more people diving in to water
topupthetea: lighthouse being attacked by a plant
topupthetea: some rocks, innit
topupthetea: some cliffs
topupthetea: sunset over the "la manga strip"
topupthetea: steps to nowhere
topupthetea: the wonkey tree
topupthetea: lucy on the bed
topupthetea: BORED LEGS on the bed
topupthetea: from the back balcony
topupthetea: lucy 'enjoying' the view
topupthetea: through the peephole!