tophersilky: P1010495
tophersilky: teeth and lips
tophersilky: teeth and different lips (sort of)
tophersilky: just TEETH
tophersilky: P1010107
tophersilky: look hard
tophersilky: eyes and teeth (you know)
tophersilky: adjusted
tophersilky: in between
tophersilky: awww....
tophersilky: awwwww...
tophersilky: in my hand???
tophersilky: art school drop outs...
tophersilky: successful? art school drop outs...
tophersilky: Doug Crack
tophersilky: Doug Head Crack
tophersilky: it's not a headphone...
tophersilky: just a phone
tophersilky: pee... from over seas sees?
tophersilky: P1010498
tophersilky: P1010497