MarkPritchard: Trying on the cap and gown
MarkPritchard: Leaving law school on the last day
MarkPritchard: Trying on the cap and gown
MarkPritchard: Trying on the cap and gown
MarkPritchard: Trying on cap and gown
MarkPritchard: Trying on the cap and gown
MarkPritchard: Bay to Breakers race crosses Van Ness Avenue
MarkPritchard: War Memorial Building, San Francisco
MarkPritchard: Bay to Breakers runners pass law grads
MarkPritchard: Donning the cap
MarkPritchard: Cris and a classmate prepare for the ceremony
MarkPritchard: Portrait before ceremony
MarkPritchard: Portrait before the ceremony
MarkPritchard: Students get ready for ceremony
MarkPritchard: Students get ready for ceremony
MarkPritchard: Students get ready for ceremony
MarkPritchard: After ceremony
MarkPritchard: Cris with a classmate
MarkPritchard: Cris with her sister Shirley
MarkPritchard: Cris with her sister Shirley
MarkPritchard: Cris with her sisters Vickie (l.) and Shirley
MarkPritchard: Cris with her sisters Vickie (l.) and Shirley
MarkPritchard: PICT1004
MarkPritchard: PICT1003
MarkPritchard: PICT1002
MarkPritchard: PICT1001
MarkPritchard: PICT1000
MarkPritchard: PICT0998
MarkPritchard: PICT0997
MarkPritchard: PICT0996