too crafty: Olivia in the garden
too crafty: Pajama Dog
too crafty: Olivia and Joshua's dog having a picnic
too crafty: Doris
too crafty: Terence
too crafty: Benjamin
too crafty: Frank
too crafty: Mavis, formerly Damian
too crafty: Eva's donkey
too crafty: New old fabric
too crafty: Tangerine
too crafty: Kiwi dog's face
too crafty: Boobs bunny
too crafty: Kiwi dog's back
too crafty: Towelly
too crafty: Willow
too crafty: Kiwi dog
too crafty: 100_7147
too crafty: mr monkey
too crafty: monkey business
too crafty: snowy
too crafty: Willem
too crafty: They first met by the parsley bush...
too crafty: Sally the Snail
too crafty: Sid the Snail
too crafty: Bathtime donkey
too crafty: Matryoshka softie, close-up
too crafty: Matryoshka softie
too crafty: 2nd matryoshka doll