TonZ: The city (gov) needs to consider..
TonZ: Social Objects
TonZ: Social Square
TonZ: Challenge
TonZ: Access
TonZ: Magnus from Social Square
TonZ: Greenfield Quote
TonZ: Spaces
TonZ: Wifi Light Painting
TonZ: Wifi Light Painting
TonZ: Wifi: A Recent Tech
TonZ: Credits
TonZ: Invisible Landscape of Networks
TonZ: Reveal the immaterial
TonZ: PV Rooftops
TonZ: Do More Faster
TonZ: Scrum User Stories
TonZ: Betahaus
TonZ: Betahaus
TonZ: Name That Start-Up
TonZ: Coworking Boat PAN(?) - Shareholder Meeting
TonZ: Our Streets! (tm)
TonZ: Data!
TonZ: The Living City
TonZ: Spice Up Your City
TonZ: #cocities Stage
TonZ: #cocities Stage
TonZ: Wir wollen keinen Müll hier!
TonZ: Kreuzberg not for Yuppies!