tony harrison: Moses receiving the Law. Paris ca, 1325. MS M322. Morgan Lib
tony harrison: Four Winds. Revelations 7. 1-2. France c.1370-90. YT 10 f.11v. Brit Lib.
tony harrison: Elijah taken up to Heaven in Chariot. France 1290-1300. miniature. Koninklijke Bib.
tony harrison: Death of Adam----Adam in Limbo. astrological and ecclesiastical calendar. English 14th cetn. detail. The fall of Man. Bodl_Rawl.D.939
tony harrison: Christians persecuted by Antichrist scenes of torture. French c.1450-70. whole page, bodl_Douce134
tony harrison: Last Judgement. Italian Venice 1577. whole page. Bodl_Barocci170