tony harrison:
David and Goliath--killng Lion and Bear. "D" initial. England 1360-75. BL.jpg
tony harrison:
Creation--sky and water. minature. England 1360-75. Royal 6E BL
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Nativity. detail miniature England 1360-75. Royal 6 BL
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Annunciation miniature detail. England 1360-75. Royal 6 BL
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Daniel in Lion's den. "C" initial. England c.1360-57. Royal 6 BL
tony harrison:
Baptism Christ "C" olumba (dove). England 1360-75. Royal 6 BL
tony harrison:
John mounting ladder to Heaven, Angel takes him by wrist. detail miniature. England 14th cent. Royal 19 B BL
tony harrison:
John with symbol of Mark-vision of Red Horse--Second Seal. England 14th cent. Royal 19 B BL
tony harrison:
Rider on the Pale Horse. Mouth of Hell. detail miniature. England 14th cent. Royal 19 B BL
tony harrison:
Angel playing 1st. Trumpet, fire from heaven on Earth. England 14th,cent. Royal 19 B BL
tony harrison:
Ruins of Babylon--ravens, wild beasts, England 14th cent. Royal 19 B LB
tony harrison:
Daniel--lions den. Belgium c.1461. Lyon BM ms 0245.
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Daniel in the den of lions. detail medallion. Italian 13th cent.Bodl_Canon.Bibl.Lat.57 BL
tony harrison:
Daniel in Lion's Den. Netherlands c.1405. Kings 5 BL
tony harrison:
Daniel and the lion's den with Darius. Utrecht c.1430. Illum. Alexander Master. KB 78D381
tony harrison:
Lament of Kings and Merchants. English c,1265-70. detail. Bodl_Douce18. BL
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Feeding of the Five thousand. England 14th cent. YT 13 BL
tony harrison:
Animals leaving Ark. Giulio Bonasone. 1544. engrav. 298x378mm. after Raphael Brit. Mus.
tony harrison:
Book of Ruth. Hebrew. Festival prayer book for Shavuot and Sukkot. Germany c.1322. Add.22413 Brit. Lib.
tony harrison:
David beheading Goliath.. engrav. Etienne Delaune. French. 1561 oval. 67x92mm. BM
tony harrison:
Great Flood. Anonymous Swiss 1544-52. 65x80mm. Brit. Mus.
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Moses breaking the Rock. France 1277-86. Add 11639. Brit Lib
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Noah's Ark. Jonas Umbach. 1645-1700. etch. 81x126mm. German Brit Mus.
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Noah's Ark. Sebald Beham. 1533. German. woodcut 50x70mm. BM
tony harrison:
David playing Bells. Psalter. 1250 France. Royal 2B Brit. Lib.
tony harrison:
God and Lucifer with fallen angels. England 1310-20. Queen Mary Psalter. Royal 2 B. Brit Lib.
tony harrison:
Creation of the Animals. England 1310-20, miniature. QM Psalter Royal 2 B. brit. Lib.
tony harrison:
Creation of the Fishes. England 1310-20. QM Psalter, Royal 2B Brit. Lib.
tony harrison:
Adam and Eve. miniature. England 1210-20. QM Pslater. Royal 2 B. Brit. Lib
tony harrison:
Angel speaking to Noah, building the Ark. England 1310-20. QM Psalter. detail. Royal B. Brit. Lib.