tony harrison: Martyre de saint Sixte, de saint Felicissime et de saint Agapit. initial S. France 15e s after 1482. Cler-Ferr BM ms 0069. Enlumin.
tony harrison: St Margaret being slain. Two men on ground struck by lightening. initial "D". England 1310-20. Queen Mary's Psalter. Royal. Brit. Lib.
tony harrison: A Martyr. St. Lawrence. Ghent Netherlands 13th cent. Burney 345 BL
tony harrison: Sainte Marguerite élevée au ciel par deux anges. 0011 Bib. de Toulouse.
tony harrison: Martyre de Jean-Baptiste. France 1545. woodcut. 4x5cm Bib. de Toulouse
tony harrison: Martyre de Sainte Agatha. Book of Hours. c1400 France. Bib. de Toulouse.
tony harrison: Stoning of St. Etienne. 14e siecle. France. initial "E". Bib. de Toulouse.
tony harrison: Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie (confusion fréquente de sainte Marguerite avec saint Catherine) c.1400. France. Bib. de Toulouse.mg0012
tony harrison: St. Thomas Becket--martyrdom. French 14th cent. Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: Martyre d'Andre de Spolete. 1532 France. 9x8cm. woodcut. Bib. de Toulouse
tony harrison: Martyrdom of St.Paul. English 12th cent. detail. Bodl_Auct.D.
tony harrison: Martyrdom of St. James and miracle of tamed Bulls. Flemish 16th cent.Bodl_Douce112
tony harrison: Decollation of John the Baptist, as Salome stands by with the plate. Paris France 1475-99. Book of Hours.
tony harrison: Martyrdom St. Laurent. France 14thh cent. Bib Toulouse
tony harrison: Martyrdom St. John---St.Cyprian of Carthage----St.Apollonia. France c. 1475-80. Maitre Francois. Hague 10A11 KB
tony harrison: Martyr de sainte Marguerie. 13th cent,? miniature. Bib. Toulouse
tony harrison: Martyrdom of Peter. initial "D". France 13th cent. Royal D Brit. Lib.
tony harrison: Martyrdom of Sebastian. Perugino. detail of miniature, Italy c.1500. YT 29 Brit. Lib
tony harrison: Sawing Isaiah in two. detail. Italy c.1425 YT 28 BL