tony harrison: Smithfield Martyrs. London. woodcut. anonymous 16th cent. Brit Mus.
tony harrison: Anne Askew, John Lascelles and others Burnt at Stake. Smithfield. London. woodcut 16th cent.
tony harrison: Burning of two women. etching. England c.1710-67. BM
tony harrison: Canterbury Martyrs. England. etch. c.1710-67. Thomas Bowles BM
tony harrison: Beheading of Saint. engrav.anonymous 1520-50. German. dia. 65 mm. Brit Mus.
tony harrison: Martyrdom of St. Blaise. Italy c.1523-1534. Add. 35254. BL
tony harrison: St. Bartholomew being flayed alive. Leaf from a Colllectar. Italy 16th cent. Add. 46365B. BL
tony harrison: Martyrdom of John the Baptist. detail. Italy 14th cent. Brit Lib.
tony harrison: Beheading John the Baptist. cutting from a choir book. Italy 15th cent. BL
tony harrison: John the Baptist Martyred and Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. England c. 1240. BL
tony harrison: Martyrdom of John the Evangelist with Fool in margin. detail. Psalter with Calendar. Netherlands 13th cent. Burney 345. BL
tony harrison: Stoning of St. Stephen with musician-dancer in margin. Netherlands 13th cent. BL
tony harrison: Martyrdom of St. Andrew. England 14th cent. Book of Hours. Egerton 2781. BL
tony harrison: Martyrdom of St. Lawrence. 'Neville of Hornby Hours'. detail. England 14th cent. Egerton 2781. BL
tony harrison: "h". martyrdom of St. Stephen. England 1322-25. Breviary. Stowe 12 BL
tony harrison: Martyrdom of a Bishop. England 1323-25. Brit.Lib.
tony harrison: "P". Martyrdom of Lawence by demonic executioners. England 1322-25. Stowe 12
tony harrison: Gaius Mucius Scaevola thrusting his right hand into the flames; execution of Decius. The Hague MMW 10 A 11
tony harrison: Martyrs in heaven with God the Father and angels; martyrdom of St. John, St. Cyprian of Carthage and St. Apollonia. The Hague MMW 10 A 11 KB
tony harrison: Martyre de saint Agapit. "A" initial. France 15tn cent. Clermont-Ferrand BM ms 0069. Enlum.
tony harrison: Martyre de saint Agricole. "G" initial France 13th cent. Enluminures
tony harrison: Martyre de saint Anastase le Persan c. 1430 Italy. Enlum
tony harrison: The torture of St. Appollonia. Between two torturers, she is tied to a classical column by one and having her teeth drawn by another. French 16th cent, Bodl_Douce264
tony harrison: St Sebastian martyred 288 A.D. January 20th. English 15th cent. Bodl_Tanner 17
tony harrison: St. Catherine of Alexandria, martyred. Paris French 14th. cent.Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: St. Clement, martyred. Paris French 14th cent. Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: St. Andrew, martyred. Paris French 14th cent. Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: St. Bartholomew, martyred.. French 14th cent. Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: Saints Philip and James martyred. French 14th. cent. Bodl_Douce313
tony harrison: Saint Simon Zelotes and St. Jude Thaddaeus are beaten to Death. The Hague, KB 74 G 37a