tony harrison: Torments of the Damned in Hell. drawing detail. Germany. 14th cent. Harley 3240 BL
tony harrison: Devil-Temptation. Eng. c.1240 BL
tony harrison: Fal of Lucifer and Hell's mouth. drawing. Germany 14th cent. Arundel 120 BL
tony harrison: Harrowing of Hell. England c.1240. detail. Bri. Lib
tony harrison: Devil-Temptation. Ehg, c.1240 Brit.Lib.
tony harrison: "This is Leviathan" bibical text. France 1277-86. Add 11639 BL
tony harrison: Devil-Temptation. England c.1240. BL
tony harrison: Dragon cast down to Hell. English c. 1315-25 bodl_SeldenSupra38
tony harrison: Dante hiding, Virgil calms Devils Italian 14th cent. Divine Cemedy.bodl_Holkhammisc.48
tony harrison: Devils scourge and beat the Damned. French c.1450-70. bodl_Douce134
tony harrison: Thieves are hung over fire. French c.1450-70. bodl_Douce134
tony harrison: Diable. France 15e s. detail. Avignon BN ms 0244
tony harrison: Diable. Besancon BM ms 138 France 13e s.
tony harrison: Beast rising from Sea and Dragon. England 14th cent. Royal 19 B XV BL
tony harrison: Devil chained to rock by nose, river flows into his mouth. detail. Italian Venice. detail. bodl_LaudGr.86
tony harrison: Weighing of Two Souls. France XIII cent. Philadelphia Lib. Lewis 185
tony harrison: Miniature-matins of the Office of the Dead, Lazuras and Dives. France XV cent. Shields Lib. U of Cal. Davis
tony harrison: Title "Oracula". Italian Venice 1577. whole page. bodl_Barocci170
tony harrison: Souls in flames beaten by two demons. French 14th cent. Douce 332. Bodl.
tony harrison: Demons and figures on Wheel. drawing, detail. Frrench 14th cent. bodl_Douce382
tony harrison: Fallen angels turned demons fall intoo dark pit. Italian Venice. water color. 16th cent. bodl_LaudGr.86
tony harrison: Satan leaves the presence of God. roundel detail. French Paris 13th cetn.bodl_Bodl.270
tony harrison: Pilgrim meets Satan fishing for Souls in Sea. French c.1400 detail. bodl_Douce300
tony harrison: Angel and Pilgrim turn in horror from mouth of Hell. Satan with Goat's head. Flemish c. 1435. bodl_Douce305
tony harrison: Music to Dance to. "Der doten dantz mit figuren" . ca. 1488. U of Heidelberg
tony harrison: Decent into Limbo. Hans Schaufelein. German.c.1480-1539 graveur. woodcut. 23x 16 cm. Bib Mun. de Lyon
tony harrison: Apocalypse. German 12th cent. Bodl.352
tony harrison: Apocalypse. detail. Evil-doers sent to burning Lake. English c.1250-55. Bodl_Tanner184
tony harrison: Epitre d'Othea. French 1450. Bodl_LaudMisc.570
tony harrison: Miracales de Nostre Dame. Angels rescue Knight from Devils. Flemish. c. 1456. Bodl_Douce374