tony harrison: Dance of the Wodewoses. (wild woodmen.) Netherlands, illus Jean Froissart. Bruges. c.1470-72. Harley 4380 BL
tony harrison: Death by Beheading. detail. France c, 1470. Hague, KB,66B 13
tony harrison: Death by Beheading. detail. France 15th cent. KB
tony harrison: Ceres sowing fields. detail. France c.1450-75. KB,74 G27
tony harrison: Beheading. date-place NK. Hague, KB,128 C
tony harrison: Men playing Flutes. date/place not known. KB,76 E
tony harrison: Ceres sowing corn. French c.1410-14. Christine de Pizan. Harley 4431 BL
tony harrison: Dog bitting Man. pen drawing.England c. 1150. Harley 5294 BL
tony harrison: Man attacks Boar and Bear. France c. 1300. Roal 10 E BL
tony harrison: Man being massaged--servant with glass. France c. 1300. BL
tony harrison: Man bathing in Tub. France c.1300 detail. BL
tony harrison: Hair covered Mary feeding Lion, Bear Stag. France c.1300 BL
tony harrison: Three Kings holding Hawks . c. 1300. detail. France. BL
tony harrison: Man on Stilts, woman and bird. detail. France. BL
tony harrison: Men burning-gathering fire wood. Calendar Feb. France c.1440-50. YT3 BL
tony harrison: Men pruning-setting stocks in vineyard, calendar March. France c.1450-50. BL
tony harrison: Gathering flowers. Calendar April. France c. 1440. YT3 BL
tony harrison: Men making Wine, Calendar Sept. France c. 1440. YT3 BL
tony harrison: Acrobatic monkey on chain with man. France. 1302-03. YT8 BL
tony harrison: Stag, dog with bell collar and rabbit. detail. France c.1275. Harley 616 BL
tony harrison: Death from Famine.Bruges 1471-84. Royal 15E BL
tony harrison: “Innocents". detail. woodcut. Germany c.1470. Arch G Bodl Lib
tony harrison: Book of Hours. Last Judgement. Dutch 15th cent. Bodl_Douce93
tony harrison: Hare hunting. Calendar June. Germany 1475-89. Egerton 1146 BL
tony harrison: Fishmonger driving cart--Fox eating eel. detail. French 1339. bodl_Douce360
tony harrison: Baking bread. Flemish 1350-66. KB
tony harrison: Feeding the Poor and Hungry and Thirsty. Spain c.1375 YT 31 BL
tony harrison: July--man and woman reaping and binding corn. Calendar. year not known. MIM KB
tony harrison: Pouring 7th vial into air, fall of city of nations. woodcut. Germany c.1470. Auct.M 3.155 Bodl Lib
tony harrison: Mule carrying armament with soldier . Portuguese 1582 bodl_Douce b.2