tony harrison:
Wine making. detail. calendar September. England 1310-20. BL
tony harrison:
Blue Horse. Breviary. detail. Cambray c. 1275-1300. KB 76
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Making Wine. Breviary detail. Cambray c. 1275-1300. KB
tony harrison:
Man knocking Acorns from Tree. Cambray c, 1275-1300 Detail. Breviary. KB
tony harrison:
Woman giving Alms. France 1462 KB 71 D 42
tony harrison:
Book of Hours. Man warming at fire. Rouen France c. 1475. ms codex 1056 Penn Lib.
tony harrison:
Baking. France c. 1475 codex 1056 Penn Lib.
tony harrison:
Ladies welcome female saints. Christine de Pizan. France. c. 1410-14. Harley 4431. BL
tony harrison:
Two boys wrestling. French c. 1540. " La Coche ou le Debat de l'Amour". detail. Bodl_Douce91
tony harrison:
Queen Facus in Carriage. Netherlands. 1470. KB 78 D 48
tony harrison:
Christine de Pizan, Livre de Faits d'armes. Mutations de Fortune 1401. France. Gallica
tony harrison:
Blacksmith. detail. England 1320-30. Book of Hours. Harley 6563. BL
tony harrison:
Tower of Babel. Italy 15th cent. NYPL MA 109
tony harrison:
Tower of Babel 2. Italy NYPL
tony harrison:
Edward III with unicorn and lion. England 1567. Hunti. Lib HN 160
tony harrison:
Mermaid and Merman. France 13-14th cent. detail. Royal 10E IV BL
tony harrison:
Woman repelling Boar. margin--bas-de-page. France 13-14th cent. Royal 10E BL
tony harrison:
Mermaid. detail. France 13-14th cent. Royal 10E BL
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Reynard the Fox wearing Bishop's mitre,peaching to birds-falcons chickens, geese stork and swan. France 13-14th cent. Brit Lib.
tony harrison:
Performers--man with pipe/tabor, another with pipes, woman balancing on sword points. France 13-14th cent. Brit Lib.
tony harrison:
Man and Woman cooking fish. J. Cats c.1625 KB
tony harrison:
Castle-musicians-grotesques. detail. France end 14th cent. Royal 10 BL
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Messenger. border. France. end 13th cent. BL
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Grotesque plays rebec. detail. France 13-14th cent. Brit..Lib.
tony harrison:
Man reading Book and grotesque Bird in Tree. margin. France 13-14th cent. BL
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Rabbitman-grotesque (not feeling well?). detail. France 13-14 cent. BL
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Attacking castle. margin. France 13-14th cent. BL
tony harrison:
Battle of two Ships. bas de page. France 13-14 cent. BL Royal 10E
tony harrison:
"Happy"/ "Angry" Rabbit. detail. France 13-14 cent. BL
tony harrison:
Church- village-two men-animals. bas-de-page. France 13-14 cent. BL