tony harrison:
Decent to Limbo. Fr. c1470. ms 0976 Bibl. Mazarine
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Devils Work--sainte Julitte Francais 51 BNF
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Hebrews in fiery furnace. Fr. 1470-79 Royal 15 D 1 Brit lib
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Michael defeats Lucifer. art; Maitre Francois Fr. 1460-70. Egerton 2045 Brit Libjpg
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Beast trampling Saint. Fr.14thcent. art-Richard de Montbaston. Royal 19 C II Brit. Lib. pg
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Devil laying on greedy man's treasure chests. Fr. 14th cent. Brit. Lib.
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Lucifer-the Fall ..Fr. 15thcent. Harley 1310 Brit. Lib
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Evil Dragons KB
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Temptation. Fr. 14thcent Royal 19 C I Brit. lib.
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Hell as Burning City. MMW 10 A 12 KB
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Temptation. Amiens c1470 art-Rambures Master. 10A15 KB
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Evil at Work-- Prayers of 5 Saints--Denys,George,Christopher,Blaise and Giles. Fr. 16thcent. MS Canon. Liturg. 178 Brit. Lib.
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Devil and St Bernard. Fr. 15th cent. MA 046 NYPL
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Devil. Ital. 14cent. Arsenal 539 BnF
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Descente aux limbes. Paris 15cent. Arsenal 3479. BnF
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DeChute des anges dechus. Spain 15cent. Espagnol 544 BnF
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Diables tuant les betes de Merlin l'Ancien. Fr. 14cent. Francais 105 BnF
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Hanging--Joshua orders death 5 Amorite Kings Utrecht 1332. MMW 10B 21 KB
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Last Judgement. Bruges c1220-40. art--master of thr gold scrolls. 133 D 14 KB
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*Apocalypse Master Paris 1400-15. NYPL MA 062 jpg
tony harrison:
Devils 15th cent. Fr. Ms 245. Bib. Mun. de Lyon
tony harrison:
Apocalypse figure 15thcent. Fr. Ms 439 Bib. Mun. de Lyon
tony harrison:
Devils-temptation 15th c. Ms 245 f 132v. Bib Mun de LyonJPG
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Absalom and Devils. MA 104 NYPL jpg
tony harrison:
Harrowing of Hell England c 1240 art Matthew Paris. Arundel 157. Brit. Lib.