tony harrison: City-River. Fr. 15th cent. Royal 17E III Brit. Lib.
tony harrison: Roman de la Rose Bibliothèque municipale d'Arras, 845” 250v 251r
tony harrison: Roman de la Rose detail Bibliothèque municipale d'Arras, 845”
tony harrison: Destruction of Jerusalem, Emperoer Titus. Utrecht 1484 KB JPG
tony harrison: Achax-Jerusalem. Paris c1410 72A24 KB
tony harrison: Sack Jerusalem by Vespasian. Utrecht c1430. 78 D38 KB
tony harrison: Jerusalem-Judah sets fire. Utrecht c1430. 78 D 381 KB
tony harrison: Ghent. Flanders c1480. 133 A 7 KB
tony harrison: Carthage--destruction Scipio 10 A 11 KB
tony harrison: Tower of Babe--consruction by Nimrod. Rouen 1477. 10 A 17 KB
tony harrison: Tower of Babe--consruction by Nimrod. Rouen 1477. 10 A 17 KB
tony harrison: Constantinople--construction. Nertherlands c1450-60. 10 A 21 KBJPG
tony harrison: Mirefleur Fr. 1505-10. 74 G 11 KB
tony harrison: ^^Heidelberg City [ETC] 1496 Cod Pal germ 126 U of Heidelberg
tony harrison: Constantinople--construction. Nertherlands c1450-60. 10 A 21 KBJPG
tony harrison: London Bridge-Thames River--Tower of London left. Dutch 1575-1609 MS Douce 68 MRM
tony harrison: London--Tower Bridge- Tower of London. Netherlands 15th cent. Royal 16FII Brit Lib.
tony harrison: Falling Tower of Babel 15th cent. Eng. MS Bodl 263 MRM
tony harrison: Richmond Castle Eng. 15th cent. MS Lyell 22 MRM
tony harrison: Masons working. Ital. 1457-68 MS Canon Class MRM Bodl. Lib.
tony harrison: Babylon. Fr c1445 Royal 15E VI Brit. Lib.
tony harrison: ^Cite de Dieu.-Cite terrestre. Fr. 15cent, Francais 21 BNF
tony harrison: Babylon-Fall Eng. 13th cent. Francais 403 BNF jpeg
tony harrison: Babylon falls 7th vision Bible NYPL
tony harrison: Babylon 1365 French 18x26cm Yates Thompson 10 Brit Lib
tony harrison: Babylon-Cornelis Anthonisz 1547 Tower of Babel
tony harrison: Babylon Philips Galle 16cent. engrav. Bib Mun Lyon JPG
tony harrison: Babylon. woodcut Georg Lemberger Ger. c1523 Brit Mus. jpg
tony harrison: Babylon. woodcut Swiss 1544-45 Brit Mus.
tony harrison: Destruction of Carthage. MMW 10 A 11. KB