tony harrison:
Work- God-Men- Devil By Maitre Francois Hague MMW,10 A 11 KB
tony harrison:
Chaos, ill. Maitre Francois ICON 11L61_2
tony harrison:
Christ leaves Hell, liberates Souls ICON 11T41 KB Lib .
tony harrison:
Hell #2 BNF
tony harrison:
Apuleius--souls are demons on leving thr body become Lares.KB
tony harrison:
tony harrison:
Bible Devil WDB copy
tony harrison:
Bod MS. Junius 11Whole Page Ceadmon Ms 1000 AD cropped 3
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ENLUM. angers bm sa 3390 #
tony harrison:
Satan speaks to Christ. Flem. Bruges. mid 13cent MS. Liturg.396. MRM Bod lib.
tony harrison:
Satan--bound for 1000 years Claes Brouwer illumin. 1430 Hague KB
tony harrison:
1. End of Beast and False Prophet. "The Canonicl Apocalypse".
tony harrison:
Devil's Cauldron. Liber Floridus. Bib. St Genevieve MS 0246 f 389 .
tony harrison:
Cross roads to Hell. Fr.1530-40 bodl_Bodl.883
tony harrison:
Angels kill Devil U of Salzburg MI138,4v
tony harrison:
In Hell-Torment of Proud 1493 ANGERS BM SA 3390 f.035v ENLUMIN
tony harrison:
tony harrison:
Quick tempered Fr. Angers Enluminures
tony harrison:
Idle lazy Fr. Angers Enluminures
tony harrison:
Miserly Fr. Angers Enluminures
tony harrison:
Gluttons Fr. Angers Enluminures
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Lustful Fr. Angers Enluminures
tony harrison:
Devils-Mary-Farmer. KB. 71A24
tony harrison:
Devils-Mary. KB 71A24
tony harrison:
Devils-Nuns KB 17A24
tony harrison:
Devils and St. Salvator. KB
tony harrison:
Witch attacking Devil. German. 1528 Jacob Binck. engr. 68x54 mm
tony harrison:
Devil's Mask. Italian 1688. etching 429x 304 mm. BM
tony harrison:
Devil tempting Christ. "I never knew it was so dangerous" coined by Huismus. illustration. engr. J .Carwitham. Brit. 1723-41. BM
tony harrison:
Jaws of Devil. Matthias Gerung 1520-60. Ger. woodcut jpg