tonyridder: Me and my Mustang 75'
tonyridder: Journalistic Photography
tonyridder: Grandpa_feeding_cattle_0134
tonyridder: grandpas_garden_tractor
tonyridder: Dads_fireplace
tonyridder: Dad_Scott_splitter
tonyridder: Mandy
tonyridder: Dad_scotty
tonyridder: 1986 My Grandpa August Ridder with Mandy
tonyridder: Grandpa Ridder feeding cows by hand
tonyridder: Grandpa Ridder feeding cows by hand
tonyridder: Grandpa Ridder feeding cows by hand
tonyridder: IMG_9258
tonyridder: IMG_9225
tonyridder: IMG_9248
tonyridder: IMG_9245
tonyridder: Ruth in KC
tonyridder: GRANNY'S BEANS!!!!
tonyridder: working in my airbrush studio...
tonyridder: Jamming with Greg and Susan Bryant Winfield
tonyridder: My Dad with Twila Pressler ... Can you say trouble?
tonyridder: Ruth's last trip to the bathroom just before Hannah