tonyridder: Ridder said they were here...
tonyridder: stupid tourists
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen... There are rules against that
tonyridder: Handicapped access for ducks?
tonyridder: smile
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Nick HATES lines
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: GROSS
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen lying flat, standing tall
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: OK don't push or take flash pictures or we kill you.
tonyridder: Allen and Klyde in worlds heaviest picture frame
tonyridder: Allen, Roy and Klyde in DC
tonyridder: Until they are lost...
tonyridder: Roy and Klyde look like natives :)
tonyridder: GIANT SQUID!!!
tonyridder: Petes ugly fish
tonyridder: New aquatic exhibit at the Smith
tonyridder: Just thought that this was wierd enough to shoot.
tonyridder: Pete holds up Pappa Joe
tonyridder: Molly is not a kid any more :(
tonyridder: Allen, holding true to tradition