ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5653 Ingrid
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5654,Hirozo, Ingrid, Anne and Bob
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5656 Bob Self - Christine Skinner
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5657 Katie,, Alice, Lois and Peter
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5658 Peter Harrison and Pete Fraser
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5659 Michael Chinn
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5660 John Hopkins
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5662 Heading for the Equator
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5663 Peter (Neptune) Harrison
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5664 Peter (Neptune) Harrison
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5665 Neptuneawaits the equator
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5666 Ingrid, Tom and Ola
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5667 Neptune and his Mermaid
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5668 Neptune and his Subjects
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5669 In the North Hemisphere
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5670 Chris Collins, Peter Harrison, Aaron Russ and Ola Ellestrom
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5672 Jan, Donna and Phyllis
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5673 Jim, Don and John
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5674 A quiet day for birds
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5675 Inactivity
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5676 Mike, Chris, Bruce, Meghan, Adam
ajmatthehiddenhouse: DSCN5677 Peter, Anne and Bea