megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Tony Kidd, Val Sokald (nee Whiteley) and Tony Shepherd.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion (01)B with annotation.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Lynne Faulkes (nee Jones), Chris Kinsella (nee Rhodes), Kathy Eastwood and Bernard Hill.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Janet Brooks (nee Slack), Tony Kidd and Valerie Sokald (nee Whiteley).jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Janet Brooks (nee Slack),Tony Kidd and Val Sokald (nee Whiteley).jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion (02)B with annotation.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Carol and Malcolm Palmer.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Chris Kinsella (nee Rhodes), Susan Watkins and Linda Beecroft (nee Smith) & Cynthia Bolton.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with David, Peter, Denise Creamer, Hilary Senior and Cynthia Bolton.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Denise Creamer, friends & Susan Watkins.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with George Marsden,Tony Little, who , Peter Murphy and Suzanne Little.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Jeffrey Lees.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Rita Bairstow (nee Hartley) and David Lees.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Kathy Eastwood, David Muschamp and Graham Smith.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Linda Beecroft (nee Smith) , Graham Smith, Cynthia Bolton and Helen Rayner.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Mike Smith, Denise Creamer and Joyce Coulton (nee Armistead).jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Pat Bryden, Linda Beecroft (nee Smith) and Helen Rayner.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Paul (Val's Partner),Valerie Scott and Jeff Lees.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Peter Salter, David Muschamp, Roger Brown, Joyce Armistead & David Fell.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Peter Salter, David Muschamp, David Fell and friends.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Rita Bairstow (nee Hartley), who, Richard Armistead, who, who and Tony Little.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Roger Brown, Chris Kinsella (nee Rhodes), Kathy Eastwood, Bernard & Christine Hill (nee Leeson), Tony Shepherd, Linda McAlroy (nee Haxby) and Janet Brooks (nee Slack).jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Tony Kidd and Richard Armistead.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Tony Little, Denise Creamer, Susan Watkins and Mick Petty.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Tony Little, Liz Firth, Denise Creamer and Joyce Coulton (nee Armistead).jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion detail of Janet Brooks (nee Slack) and Tony Kidd.jpg
megaarchitect: 2002 Reunion with Mr & Mrs Jackie Hey, whoever and Friend.jpg
megaarchitect: Tony's Sixties Badge.jpg