tonygonz: Cozy Coupe
tonygonz: Cozy Coupe 2
tonygonz: 水遊び1 / Playing with water 1
tonygonz: 水遊び2 / Playing with water 2
tonygonz: 水遊び3 / Playing with water 3
tonygonz: 水遊び4 / Playing with water 4
tonygonz: 初めてのにぎり寿司 / First Nigiri-sushi
tonygonz: お買い物 / Grocery shopping
tonygonz: お父さんと似てる? / Do we look alike?
tonygonz: Pool!
tonygonz: プール芋虫 / cocooned
tonygonz: モールで遊ぼう / playing at the mall
tonygonz: 噴水遊び2 / playing in the fountain 2
tonygonz: 噴水遊び1 / playing in the fountain 1
tonygonz: はじめてのブリトー / first burrito
tonygonz: お父さんの変顔マネ / funny faces