Tony Van Den Boomen:
All the Cards Are on the Table and All the Players Are Under It
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Pushed On and Pulled Off Stage in the Blink of an Eye
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Experimental Today, Theoretical Tomorrow
Tony Van Den Boomen:
The Arrested Imminent Arrival of the End Before the Beginning
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Looking Back Heading Forward
Tony Van Den Boomen:
In the Classroom and In the Field
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Solo Duet
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Who Let the Mouse Out of the Bag and the Rat Out of the Lab
Tony Van Den Boomen:
An Outside Chance
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Dinghy to the Far Shore
Tony Van Den Boomen:
The Spore, the Seed and the Stem Cell
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Campfire Stories He Learned From His Horse
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Let Dreaming Dogs Swim
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Pecking Order Schmecking Order, I’m the Only Bird in This Cage Except That Guy in the Mirror and the Hand That Feeds Me
Tony Van Den Boomen:
By Lake and By Sea
Tony Van Den Boomen:
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Rhubarb
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Listen Hear the Quiet
Tony Van Den Boomen:
A Childhood Memory
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Gestation Anticipation
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Two Minutes To Hibernation
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Watch Dog, Probably, Observer Possibly, Retriever, Never
Tony Van Den Boomen:
All the Sunday Sailors Prayed for a Red Sky on Saturday Night
Tony Van Den Boomen:
captive audience
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Where There's a Ball There's a Game
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Silent Movie Still
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Free Diver in a Shallow Pond
Tony Van Den Boomen:
To Swim or to Wade, Dressed or Not
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Diving Ducks Seldom Hide Their Heads in the Sand, but Beware of Rivers of Whisky
Tony Van Den Boomen:
Hide-and-seek not Peekaboo
Tony Van Den Boomen:
The King of Heads and Tails Calls it Quits