pho-Tony: Underground
pho-Tony: flying the flag
pho-Tony: Reichstag Reflector
pho-Tony: German Flag on the Reichstag
pho-Tony: selling sausages in the rain
pho-Tony: fallen leaves
pho-Tony: fallen leaves
pho-Tony: Jewish Museum
pho-Tony: Seven Hills Bakery
pho-Tony: Pergamon Museum
pho-Tony: fernsehturm reflection
pho-Tony: Brandenberg Gate
pho-Tony: Reichstag Dome
pho-Tony: Reichstag Reflector
pho-Tony: vintage bus
pho-Tony: tree in a meadow
pho-Tony: helter-skelter
pho-Tony: tube train
pho-Tony: Waterloo
pho-Tony: Regent Street
pho-Tony: The Mall
pho-Tony: totem pole
pho-Tony: British Museum Great Court
pho-Tony: reflected self portrait with Canon Z155 camera and Heston Blumenthal plastic trifle bowl
pho-Tony: graffiti covered telephone cabinet in a woodland
pho-Tony: Canon Z155
pho-Tony: Canon Z155
pho-Tony: Canon Z155
pho-Tony: Fag Packet