pho-Tony: Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK
pho-Tony: Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK
pho-Tony: Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK
pho-Tony: Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK
pho-Tony: landing strip
pho-Tony: sycamore
pho-Tony: belly dancers
pho-Tony: phlegm queue (approximately one third)
pho-Tony: cladding
pho-Tony: reflected self-portrait with Contessa LK camera and tall white hat
pho-Tony: reflected self-portrait with Contessa LK camera and tall white hat (cropped)
pho-Tony: horse chestnut
pho-Tony: Gay Quarter
pho-Tony: coloured crates
pho-Tony: coloured crates