pho-Tony: Argus A2
pho-Tony: Argus A2
pho-Tony: Argus A2
pho-Tony: Argus A2
pho-Tony: Argus A2 ever ready case
pho-Tony: Argus A2 - US Customs Inspected Baggage Label
pho-Tony: into the sun
pho-Tony: striped wall
pho-Tony: reflected self-portrait with Argus A2 camera and watermelon hat
pho-Tony: reflected self-portrait with Argus A2 camera and watermelon hat (square crop)
pho-Tony: over-exposed triptych
pho-Tony: horse chestnut
pho-Tony: branches, sky and brick
pho-Tony: winter tree and sky
pho-Tony: steel frame