Chenography: Rice wine and tribesmen
Chenography: Lemongrass
Chenography: Cooking in Bamboo
Chenography: Tony mixes up the ingredients
Chenography: Tony mixes up the ingredients
Chenography: Stuffing the bamboo
Chenography: Jungle butterfly
Chenography: Cooking the food in bamboo
Chenography: Longhouse from inside
Chenography: Starting a fire with bamboo
Chenography: Dunda tribe longhouse
Chenography: Parents' quarters with bamboo ladder up to single daughter's bed
Chenography: Longhouse
Chenography: Making fried rice dough
Chenography: McNugget
Chenography: Blowgun
Chenography: The headhunter tribes longhouse
Chenography: Jumping
Chenography: Launching off the trampoline
Chenography: Rolling some cigs
Chenography: Mud tattoos
Chenography: Drumming
Chenography: Dancing
Chenography: Trying to dance
Chenography: Tattoo
Chenography: Group photo