Chenography: Lisa pre-tan
Chenography: Lunch at the Pine Tree Cafe
Chenography: At the Sheraton Kona
Chenography: sunset in Kona
Chenography: The view from Crystal Blue, at the Sheraton Kona
Chenography: A view of Mauna Loa from our dive boat
Chenography: On the dive boat
Chenography: On the way to our first dive
Chenography: Lisa gears up
Chenography: Smile!
Chenography: Lisa strikes a pose
Chenography: Dolphins!
Chenography: An octopus squirts ink
Chenography: Green prickly coral
Chenography: Trumpetfish - long, silvery colored fish
Chenography: Spotted moray
Chenography: Pufferfish
Chenography: Self-portrait
Chenography: Manta ray!
Chenography: Captain Kirk's his name
Chenography: This one's named "Lefty"
Chenography: That one must have a 7 foot wingspan
Chenography: Man-eating mantas?!
Chenography: Yellow fish (I don't know what it's called)
Chenography: Scuba Lisa
Chenography: Sea urchins