tonx: bean menu
tonx: bar menus
tonx: something for everyone
tonx: sleep deprived Kyle clutching a box
tonx: Nick - ready for the doors to open
tonx: the first tip.
tonx: Ryan, Kyle, Nick
tonx: opening day - Intelli Sunset Junction
tonx: my first official Macchiato
tonx: in the loo
tonx: gift from RitRo
tonx: reinforcements
tonx: Intelligentsia Sunset Junction
tonx: Intelli coffeebar
tonx: Intelligentsia Sunset Junction
tonx: Intelligentsia Sunset Junction
tonx: Colin and the 2 clovers
tonx: Devin at the bar
tonx: the bar
tonx: latte at Intelli Sunset Junction grand opening
tonx: chemex fo sale
tonx: bags of beans
tonx: Devin and Kyle
tonx: Ryan's shoes.