tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: art by Alejandro Santiago
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: street vac
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: Geoff Watts, coffee ninja
tonx: fried cheese.
tonx: coffee leaves
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: May Day
tonx: May Day riot cops
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: Alberto pours the mezcal
tonx: Alberto's mezcal
tonx: coffee dudes
tonx: wall
tonx: mezcal
tonx: mezcal
tonx: los mezcaleros
tonx: Oaxaca
tonx: parchment coffee at Calvo Export, Oaxaca
tonx: coffee stacked high
tonx: Geoff among the beans
tonx: Doug among the beans
tonx: burplap
tonx: bag of coffee
tonx: bag of parchment coffee
tonx: bag of beans
tonx: density sorting