tonx: amanita eruption
tonx: coffee cherry
tonx: kitten paws
tonx: Kyle trains
tonx: chanterelles
tonx: flower
tonx: view of a sunflower 2
tonx: Ritual rush
tonx: outside of Gerlach, Nevada
tonx: annette the turkey
tonx: heart macchiato from April
tonx: lamb
tonx: kitten
tonx: cooling tray
tonx: palm reading
tonx: coffee cross sections
tonx: reflected cafe
tonx: after sunset
tonx: Mark Trail dropping science
tonx: roasting coffee 4
tonx: latte pour
tonx: coffee cooling
tonx: the crust
tonx: friend
tonx: naked portafilter
tonx: streamline espresso
tonx: paper recycling bale
tonx: wheatgrass
tonx: ashtray
tonx: Speak & Spell art show/performance at OlivoDoce gallery