tonx: Chris from Gimme and Bob from Ninth Street
tonx: me and the bob
tonx: Jeremy and Bob
tonx: Bob and Kyle
tonx: gimme coffee on a synesso
tonx: Kevin C demos the crazy pump device
tonx: The Schecter-ator
tonx: Kyle meets the Schecterator
tonx: Counter Culture booth
tonx: Altie illuminati
tonx: Ryan from ritual starts his routine
tonx: Ryan competes
tonx: Ryan competes
tonx: Bruno!
tonx: Coffee Gods
tonx: Clover booth
tonx: Clover
tonx: Duane from Stumptown gets his clover on
tonx: Cornbread!
tonx: Engineersmake good pool players
tonx: alistair is a pool shark
tonx: Matt from Intelly
tonx: Zoka's Jen Prince
tonx: MC Nick Cho
tonx: Ninth Street
tonx: Paul Pratt's GS3
tonx: black bag men
tonx: gentleman Jon Lewis
tonx: Philip Serch of Paradise Coffee, Vancouver WA
tonx: sidelines