Tõnno Paju: Jack russell Sara on the window :). Norway, countryside
Tõnno Paju: Gausta Skisenter, Norway. Rjukan is completely in the clouds.
Tõnno Paju: Gaustatoppen, 1883 moh, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Need for heat. Sara, Jack Russell, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Winter. Countryside. Norway
Tõnno Paju: Home, sweet home, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Too cold to be very happy
Tõnno Paju: Merry Christmas from Norway!
Tõnno Paju: Snowy road to Gjøystdal, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Hiking in the snowy Norway
Tõnno Paju: Fog, snow and house, Norway.
Tõnno Paju: Winter, countryside, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Black and white winter in mountains. Norway
Tõnno Paju: Snowy forest panorama, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Snow, mountain, forest. Norway
Tõnno Paju: Road to a sweet house. Norway.
Tõnno Paju: Gjøystdalvegen, Norway.
Tõnno Paju: Norwegian old countryside architecture
Tõnno Paju: Sitting neighbour
Tõnno Paju: After the storm. Norway
Tõnno Paju: The lake of Tinn, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Tinnsjø, seen from Sandviken camping, Norway
Tõnno Paju: The lake of Tinn (Tinnsjø). Taken from Mobrann-nuten. Norway
Tõnno Paju: Panoramic landscape view from Bergstaulnuten towards Gaustatoppen, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Newer and older. Cabins in Norway
Tõnno Paju: Rjukan in the cloud. Norway
Tõnno Paju: Hiking to the top of Bossnuten (1431 moh), Norway
Tõnno Paju: Emotion. Bossnuten, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Hiking in black and white, Bossnuten, Norway
Tõnno Paju: Is it fog or clouds, but there down below somewhere is Rjukan, Norway