*toni.r: er... regarding the fringe situation 6/365
*toni.r: ways of seeing
*toni.r: mirroring
*toni.r: opening
*toni.r: together. yet apart.
*toni.r: the bride
*toni.r: i know what i want to say, but not how to say it.
*toni.r: I wandered lonely as a...
*toni.r: natural high
*toni.r: dahlia
*toni.r: he was watching the gorillas at the zoo...
*toni.r: unconscious love
*toni.r: robust enough
*toni.r: mirror, mirror
*toni.r: holga cliché 3: building with retro lettering
*toni.r: far out
*toni.r: 'c' is for cosmos
*toni.r: 'o': for 'out in the garden, wondering what to post for 'o'.'
*toni.r: there will be teeth in the grass
*toni.r: bokeh at the barbecue [barbekeh?!]
*toni.r: 't' : for 'taking the plunge'
*toni.r: seeking direction
*toni.r: 'z' : is for...'z'... because...
*toni.r: gone...?
*toni.r: preparing to let go
*toni.r: leap. and the net will appear [ii]
*toni.r: the racing cloud
*toni.r: wings [of desire...]
*toni.r: inbetween days...
*toni.r: don't look back into the sun