*toni.r: two peonies flounce their skirts
*toni.r: the austere glamour of a polytunnel
*toni.r: you are the cheeky boys
*toni.r: guarding the court of the grasshopper queen
*toni.r: well, that's all the ice-cream gone.
*toni.r: you can tell it's a friendly because they're all wearing white
*toni.r: waiting for the train
*toni.r: sunflower. after the sun.
*toni.r: eh?!
*toni.r: i know what i want to say, but not how to say it.
*toni.r: it was really good fun, but...
*toni.r: conscious. unconscious.
*toni.r: it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us
*toni.r: at one with his environment
*toni.r: feet
*toni.r: the bride
*toni.r: frosty jeans
*toni.r: my best friend's wedding
*toni.r: see that girl, watch that scene...
*toni.r: left luggage
*toni.r: fear of merging
*toni.r: if i'm wrong i am right
*toni.r: external world 5/365
*toni.r: love lane, london, ec2
*toni.r: the only ones
*toni.r: we need to understand the shadows in order to see the light
*toni.r: the last... last... day of summer...
*toni.r: a memory shot for Middle M... the girl who demanded Memory Shots.
*toni.r: i place my hope on the water...
*toni.r: where there is much light, the shadow is deep...