Toni_V: sunrise at the Lake Trift
Toni_V: Triftbahn
Toni_V: mountain flora
Toni_V: looking down!
Toni_V: bridge to nowhere
Toni_V: trail to the hanging bridge over the Triftwasser
Toni_V: strong wire cables
Toni_V: Hip-Hop-Hiker
Toni_V: first conservative steps
Toni_V: homeward bound
Toni_V: severe test... its OK!
Toni_V: Triftwasser
Toni_V: fresh and cool water
Toni_V: shadows
Toni_V: oddments of the Trift glacier
Toni_V: gorilla in the mountains
Toni_V: signs
Toni_V: trail through the water
Toni_V: the other side of the bridge
Toni_V: I·I·I
Toni_V: aTTeNTioN !!
Toni_V: the sun is low, the bridge is high
Toni_V: the journey is the reward
Toni_V: Triftbrücke Switzerland
Toni_V: The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. (quote by David Russell)
Toni_V: bridge
Toni_V: t r i f t b r ü c k e
Toni_V: Quo vadis, Trift?
Toni_V: Trift Bridge
Toni_V: pont suspendu | Triftbrücke (BE)