toniiiko: first film roll in canon 600 (4)
toniiiko: first film roll in canon 600 (3)
toniiiko: first film roll in canon 600 (2)
toniiiko: Near church
toniiiko: Moscow covered in smoke
toniiiko: City geometry
toniiiko: Borovitskaya station of Moscow Metro
toniiiko: Sky over old Moscow
toniiiko: Street lines #2
toniiiko: Street lines #1
toniiiko: Suddenly!
toniiiko: Spring is in the streets, love is in the air.
toniiiko: Waiting at the station
toniiiko: Everybody pass him by
toniiiko: Month after holidays
toniiiko: Cold afternoon
toniiiko: The Paleontology Museum, Moscow
toniiiko: The Paleontology Museum, Moscow
toniiiko: Underground Art Gallery
toniiiko: Wired
toniiiko: Imperfect autumn
toniiiko: United colors :)