Torquemada1965: The steps of decay
Torquemada1965: Texture 2
Torquemada1965: TBDTake the plank re-done
Torquemada1965: Take the plank
Torquemada1965: Plank contrast
Torquemada1965: Overgrown
Torquemada1965: trust and release
Torquemada1965: Trust and release 2
Torquemada1965: Thi Pillars of Time
Torquemada1965: The Pillars of Time colour bleed
Torquemada1965: The missing payne
Torquemada1965: Strength
Torquemada1965: Red and Web
Torquemada1965: Eating this will give you broken teeth
Torquemada1965: Blue is given
Torquemada1965: Blackness
Torquemada1965: An open door is not always an invite worth taking
Torquemada1965: Villa Münke
Torquemada1965: Rome, Milan,Palermo, no Krefeld
Torquemada1965: Very Italian
Torquemada1965: This corrosion
Torquemada1965: This corrosion 2
Torquemada1965: The colours of corrosion in extremo