TOnEM: Blake is Ready to Go
TOnEM: Blake with Part of an Umbrella
TOnEM: Elliot Appears Ready to Go, Too
TOnEM: Blake with Part of an Umbrella Again
TOnEM: Blake Threatens to Throw Something at Elliot
TOnEM: Blake Splashing in a Tide Pool
TOnEM: Elliot Leaning
TOnEM: Blake Finding Stuff Under the Sand
TOnEM: Elliot Sits Thoughtfully in a Tide Pool While Blake Seems to Be Pummeling Something Off in the Distance
TOnEM: Elliot and Blake Casting Shadows on the Sand
TOnEM: Elliot Pulling Himself Up Like a Creature from the Depths
TOnEM: Blake and Elliot on the Beach
TOnEM: Blake Smiles Happily on the Beach
TOnEM: Elliot Tortures a Ball in a Tide Pool
TOnEM: Elliot Poses with Shovel and Ball