tom_wood_1981: Setting off! all smiles on the west coast
tom_wood_1981: Thats a big bull
tom_wood_1981: DSCF5657
tom_wood_1981: Team Bandicoot and the wall
tom_wood_1981: Sam and Lucy in Roman Vallum
tom_wood_1981: Climbing up from Greenhead
tom_wood_1981: DSCF5678
tom_wood_1981: Turret and wall
tom_wood_1981: DSCF5684
tom_wood_1981: Stanegate Roman Road (B6318)
tom_wood_1981: Leaving Twice brewed campsite
tom_wood_1981: Milecastle
tom_wood_1981: Sycamore gap
tom_wood_1981: Hadrian's Wall
tom_wood_1981: Team Bandicoot - resting!