tom_wood_1981: Wet morning on the sleeper train approaching inverness
tom_wood_1981: Wet arrival in Inverness
tom_wood_1981: Riding through woodland near Inverness
tom_wood_1981: Aproaching Cannich
tom_wood_1981: Snow-capped mountains near Cannich
tom_wood_1981: Glen Affric Caledonian forest
tom_wood_1981: Glen Affric YHA in morning
tom_wood_1981: Electricity supply at Glen Affric YHA
tom_wood_1981: Snowy morning view from Glen Affric YHA window
tom_wood_1981: Glen Affric view from hostel
tom_wood_1981: Glen Affric view from hostel 2
tom_wood_1981: Glen Affric hostel and wind turbine!
tom_wood_1981: Max at the top of Glen Affric with morning snow
tom_wood_1981: Me at riding at top of Glen Affric
tom_wood_1981: Eillean Donnan castle, Kintail
tom_wood_1981: Me riding bridge on way to Torridon
tom_wood_1981: Max, fixing puncture in a blizzard
tom_wood_1981: High mountain route to Torridon
tom_wood_1981: Route to Torridon
tom_wood_1981: Max riding Torridon sandstone slab
tom_wood_1981: Torridon
tom_wood_1981: Max at top of climb through Coulin estate towards Craig
tom_wood_1981: Hills above Craig
tom_wood_1981: Nice bridge
tom_wood_1981: Snowy valley on way back East
tom_wood_1981: Stupid baby dear that decided to hide rather than run
tom_wood_1981: Max battling through snow
tom_wood_1981: Top of the snowy valley
tom_wood_1981: Heading off into the white abyss
tom_wood_1981: Our way out, the long slog