tomsdigital: The church at Reykholt
tomsdigital: The view from Hotel Hellnar
tomsdigital: Poppies in Hellnar
tomsdigital: Rock formations, Hellnar
tomsdigital: Pebbles on the rocks
tomsdigital: The church at Hellnar, sunset
tomsdigital: Coastal walk
tomsdigital: Stapafell
tomsdigital: Rock formations along the coastal walk
tomsdigital: Lunch spot
tomsdigital: Stykkisholmur church
tomsdigital: Broad sweeping supports
tomsdigital: Outside Stykkisholmur church
tomsdigital: A traditional turf and wood hut
tomsdigital: Traditional settlement
tomsdigital: Lupins in the botanical gardens at Akureyri
tomsdigital: Red and yellow poppies in the late evening sun
tomsdigital: Akureyri church
tomsdigital: Cafe in Akureyri
tomsdigital: Godafoss waterfall
tomsdigital: Godafoss river
tomsdigital: Mud pots at Namafjall Hverir
tomsdigital: Namafjall Hverir area
tomsdigital: Namafjall Hverir mountains
tomsdigital: Hot rocks
tomsdigital: Krafla power station
tomsdigital: Puffin take-off
tomsdigital: Lift-off
tomsdigital: Airborne!